Why haven’t you paid dividends?

We have been putting the Credit Union back on solid footing after years of decline and neglect by past management. We have been quite successful so far, even making a profit for two years. We are in the process of rebranding the Credit Union and expect to pay dividends in short order, COVID permitting.

What is your Credit Union offering that other Credit Unions are not?

Excellent and personal service, products and services to meet your own particular needs and online capability.

What are the benefits of joining your Credit Union?

When you join DMCU, we are small enough to get to know you by name. You will never be just an account number. We will customise our service to you to fit your circumstances and your individuals needs. Our staff will greet you by name when you walk through the door. We are here for you today, we will stand by you tomorrow and we will grow together.

What products do you have that would excite me to want to participate?

Customised loans, individual financial counselling, term deposits, Group Health Insurance, small and medium business loans, Family Indemnity Plans, skill courses.

Your Credit Union is considered to be a place for older folks to save. What do you have for a young man like me?

Our technology platforms allow you to transact your business with us from your computer or phone. We can provide the financial and investment advice to put you on the right track for future wealth creation. And we provide the easy means for you to save and fund your needs with little bureaucracy and red tape. You can grow old with us because we’re with you today, tomorrow; working together.

I live in Penal but would like to join your Credit Union?

There’s no problem if you live in Penal. You can apply for membership, apply for loans, send money to your account all online from any part of Trinidad and Tobago or the world.
